Monday, February 10, 2014


You're dehydrated.  Stop that shit.

At one time,  it was suggested that each of us drink 6 cups of water a day. 64 ounces. Drink that by the end of breakfast.

Water is the most important thing you put in your mouth.

Being properly hydrated means you can effectively carry toxins out of your body.  Including ketones and other byproducts of metabolism.  That's a good thing.  It means properly lubricated joints,  useful for making working out easier and decreasing the chance of injury.

In the summer it helps ward off heat related illnesses.  Heat stroke sucks.

I could list reasons all night long  but no need.  You know many of them.  But with diabetes it's much more important.  If you go on a strict low carbohydrate diet like me,  your body won't hold water very well.  One of the only downsides. No cake and ice cream being the other.

If you have yellow urine,  you're dehydrated.  Drink.  Caffeine can have a diuretic effect,  so after you drink coffee,  take in some water.

You'll feel better and have more endurance as well.

Now, the numbers.

No meds today.  2 hours of splitting and stacking firewood.
3 glucose tests, morning was 94, then a pair of 101s a few hours apart later on.
Breakfast was 8oz sirloin, 1 egg fried in olive oil, 4oz of mushrooms and 2 tablespoons of Hollandaise sauce.
Late lunch/early dinner, 1 piece of pizza from last night's recipe,  and 3 gas station chicken strips. 1 hour later,  glucose is 141. Damn breading. But that's not exactly terrible.

Life ain't bad.

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