Friday, February 7, 2014

It's beautiful.

A few quick things.

Cinnamon.  Don't ask why, because I have no clue. A great deal of people seem to react well to cinnamon.  It's supposed to help metabolize sugar out of your system.  It helps me.  I take two capsules a day,  and add it to my coffee.  Try it,  It can't hurt.

Also,  I've posted about being sore after my work outs, I've fixed that.  Thanks to my friend Hans. He offered some advice that has helped immensely.   The aforementioned  increases in protein and BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acid). Unlike cinnamon,  I can fully explain how BCAAs work.

Magic.  They work by magic.

Other suggestions from him,  foam rollers and tennis (or similar) balls to massage the soreness. And stretching.  It all works.

Now, for the guys that want simple and highly effective gym time. My friend Nathan posted this article from Mark Rippetoe. A guy that knows a lot about lifting.  The only exercise you need.

The numbers: I've been in the high normal range all day,  as usual.  94 to 134. yeah, a tad high.  Here's the deal. Ill make it simple. Sugar is sticky.  It sticks to things.  It hangs out.  A portion of your blood glucose reading obviously, will get some red blood cells. Red blood cells are one thing that sugar is stuck to.

This brings us to the A1C reading we all know about.  A1C is a 3 to 4 month snapshot of your glucose levels.  It works by looking at glucose stuck to your red blood cells. Red blood cells live for about 110 to 115 days.  Which is why you can do a double blood donation every 112 days incidentally.  But it also means that an A1C interval of 120 days should result a 100% new blood sample,  not "contaminated" with old blood cells.

So,  if you're coming off a high A1C test,  while your glucose tests will be accurate,  they will not quite accurately demonstrate your efforts.   This SLIGHT distortion effect will be lessened as the A1C interval passes, but by the time 90 days has passed, the effect will likely be gone.

Go lift something

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