Monday, February 3, 2014


The last two days, I've just been absolutely too sore to hit the gym. Keep in mind that I said I'm also looking to increase strength, not just control my disease, so don't think you have to workout to the point of being sore.

I on the other hand, am pushing myself very hard. I'm at a week with no cokes of any kind. Tea, Coffee, and water are it. And I'm slacking on everything but the water.

Saturday at the gym, I hit arms really hard, then finished up doing kettlebell cleans, just to shock my arms a bit with some compounded movements.  What happened was, the squat portion of it cleaned my clock.  Then a few hours later, I worked a structure fire for 3 and a half hours. So it was a recovery day yesterday. I'd probably go do a light back and shoulder workout today, but I have to go to work. So I'll play with the kettlebell a bit tonight after I get to where I'm going. Then tomorrow night, I'm heading up to the gym.

I'm down to 294, still feeling great, sugars are all still at the high end of normal. I really believe that they'd be middle normal if I A. weren't coming off several months of WAY too high glucose readings, and B. finished cutting out artificial sweeteners. But hell, black coffee and bitter tea SUCK. Something to work on...

So yeah, lessons for me. Learn to stop. Learn when not to stop. My legs are smoked, my arms aren't. My recovery sucks, but it's improving, so I'm going to look for a supplement to help with that. I obviously hit my legs too hard, and left something on the floor with my arms. Not good, my arms and chest are my weak point anyway.

Also, I'm taking steps to increase my readership now. I'm posting this on a few public sites that I've never mentioned it on before.  So if you have any questions at all, send me an email, and I'll try to answer it here, or privately if you'd prefer.  Writing all this out helps me, but making it public can help others. So if you know any diabetic people that are struggling, send them the link.

Now, just in case you've bought into the bullshit about diabetics not being able to grow muscle here's some inspiration.  What's your excuse?

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