To quote Hank, the best deadlift socks are made, not worn.
I've been out of the gym all week, and apparently, the rest I got was a tribute
We've established that I have no pecs. And again, I was unable to get a bench. I did get a smith machine for a bit. Kill me now.
OHP, 10x70, 10x90
I got a flat bench for a bit as well, 2x10x30 dumbbell press.
Squats. 5xbar, 5x135, 5x225, 3x275. Beating my previous squat by not only 30lbs, but doing 3 reps instead of one.
Deadlifts. 5x135, 5x225, 5x315, 5x365
On deads, I had more in me, but my shoulder didn't. I'm not going to push it too hard. And I had people looking at me funny for bleeding in the gym. And I still need to build up the callouses on my hands. I ripped 5 off tonight. Weight will do that y0.
Sugars, I added some Whey Protein before and after my workouts. My glucose is misbehaving a bit. It only lists 3 carbs a serving, but one serving has now twice brought my sugar up 80 points. Once pre workout, once post. So something in it is triggering a response. Guess I'll be changing brands. But before I do, I'll make sure I eliminate in other causes, and if that's it, I'll post the brand.
Other than that, things are going well. I basically ate the same thing every day for the last 5 days and that shit got boring. I'll continue to look for more recipes to expand that. Boring is bad.
I hope each of y'all are doing well, and that some of you are able to do better thanks to this info.
Keep up the work, keep spreading the word. I have several hundred views, and I have my doubts as to whether or not that's directly from posting here. I do appreciate it.
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