Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Giving up on your addiction.

48 hours ago,  I shared a diet Dr Pepper with my wife.  I haven't had one since and that sucks.  But my sugars are down to non diabetic range.  I'm seeing 102s and similar numbers that's what we call winning.

Which brings us to an obvious but painful point.  Chances are,  you didn't get type 2 diabetes only by losing the genetic lottery.   More than likely,  you helped it along by eating junk and/or being sedentary. Read lazy.  I denied it.  Stop it.  Admitting that you have a problem is always step one.

I love food. A lot. Ice cream, cheese burgers, fried chicken,  cheese steaks.   At one time it was a coping mechanism. I got past that long ago.  Now,  I jut like to eat. But no magic pill exists let me do that and not die of this damn disease.  So here I am, choosing to sacrifice the joy of eating some foods instead of my life.

But here's the deal.  It's really not that hard to cut the junk out.   I eat steak almost every day.  I eat chicken, ribs, bacon,  eggs, sausage, shrimp,  crawfish, pickles, okra,  mushrooms,  cheese and on and on.  In reality,  the hardest thing to let go was Diet Dr Pepper.   Caffeine is a drug.  Don't believe me?  Try going without it after prolonged use. But that's not the only reason to give up cokes. Obviously the sugar I'm regular stuff is bad for you,  but the diet cokes are just as bad,  and some say worse.

Don't ask me for a scientific explanation. I can't give you one.  What I've noticed in me has been sugars 20% higher constantly. Contrast that to higher spikes with regular cokes for a much shorter duration.  My experience may not be universal,  after all,  we're all different.  But from my research,  it's in line with the majority.

Now,  for the lifting for today.  I'm driving at my side job today, so no trip to the gym for me. But my most hated enemy rides with me in the truck. A 25lb kettle bell.  My wife has a ten pound kettle bell.  You don't need a big one. The workout alone will stomp you.   Again,  controlling diabetes is about burning energy.  You don't have to chug protein shakes and take supplements while deadlifting twice your body weight.   Though that will obviously work. You're simply trying to burn energy.  A kettlebell workout will absolutely do that.  And it will strengthen almost every muscle in your body.  Search on YouTube for "Jeff Martone kettlebell swing".  Jeff came  recommended to me by a friend named Rich, a man for whom my respect cannot be measured.  Every time I pick that kettle bell up, I think I'll never forgive either of them.

Do you have to use a kettlebell? Of course not.  If you have 2 arms, do pushups. If you can only do 4, that's ok,  do 4. In a few hours,  do 4 more.  A few hours from then do it again.   In a day or two,  do 5.  In a few weeks,  do 40.

Do what you can with what you have.  the two things you can't do, make excuses or fail.  Get on it.

I apologize for any typos, I'm typing from my phone.

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